
Showing posts from October, 2018

Supreme Pontiff: Antichrist

Supreme Pontiff: Antichrist The title "Supreme Pontiff" (Pope) is a title fit only for Antichrist. In a post by Christopher Heffron of “Franciscan Media,” we're given some insight about the relationship between paganism and Catholicism. Understanding this is essential to understanding the many doctrines that are unique to the “Holy Church.” Below is the entire post. I'll provide the link at the end so you can see that I'm not making this up.[1] This is an admission from their own mouths! Heffron notes the following:   In A Concise History of the Catholic Church (Doubleday, revised and expanded edition), the author, Father Thomas Bokenkotter, writes: “At first Constantine observed an attitude of formal correctness toward paganism . He remained its Supreme Pontiff , paid homage to the sun god on the official coinage and in general was careful not to alienate the pagan masses and aristocracy of Rome .” According to Webster’s New World College Dictionary, t...

A "Sabbath" for a "Sun God"

What follows is a study of scripture and history. Many of the points in the first part of the study have been made into a 4x6 tract, which is available for FREE in our "Library." In the second section there are select quotes from History of the Sabbath and First Day of the Week , a 297 page book by J.N. Andrews and also some other sources in my personal library. Together, these two sections form what is a brief monograph that examines some reasons why I believe Saturday is the Sabbath and should be observed by Christians, and also the connection between the worship of the “Blessed Trinity” and Sunday worship. First, we will look at the Scriptural case for Sabbath keeping. Second, we will look at some quotes related to its history. Thus saith the Almighty This section is simply a point-by-point explanation of what I believe is the truth. Statements will be made and scripture will be cited. It is up to you, dear reader, to use a Bible and look up the verses. God ma...