
Majoritarianism and the Coming "Judgment" and "Salvation"

Majoritarianism and the Coming "Judgment" and "Salvation" Introduction   Lately, I've been learning to leave all results—“good” or “bad”—to God who alone is the fair and righteous judge of mankind.    The debate about our fate as sinners in view of God’s grace and mercy is, in my view, almost a waste of time; time can be better spent by "letting your light" (witness of peacemaking and mercy, and "poorness of spirit"--meekness) so shine before men that "they may behold your good works and praise God." Ultimately, "God is love " should, in some way, bias our view of His character and will toward humanity. And the way people perceive the love of God in the world is ultimately by imitating His love . And what better plan, or blueprint, or example, to follow that that of His dear son, Jesus? Afterall, Jesus is that plan of , or logos of God , made manifest to us.   This is my current view   I'm technically an annihilatio

Don't Talk to Pigs!

Introduction What's this about? It's about the subject of policing and dealing with "civil" and "religious" "authority." This subject will be uncomfortable for many, especially Christians. Christians in my country, which is the United States, are very patriotic and sentimental towards police officers because they're under the impression that the police are here to protect and serve us, the citizens. But the reality is that they don't. The police serve to protect the interests of The State. They hate you and don't understand your rights.[*] Here are some interesting facts found in a Forbes article related to public trust in our "heroes": Key Facts The Post-ABC poll , which surveyed over 1,000 U.S. adults between January 27 and February 1, finds only 39% of those surveyed are confident police are properly trained to use excessive force. This is the lowest level of confidence in police training the Post-ABC po

The Family Background of Paul the Anti-Vegan Roman

  The Family Background of Paul the Anti-Vegan Roman   By Chapman Chen   EDITOR'S NOTE: I acknowledge that the formatting for this guest article isn't "standard" for this website , but exceptions are made. In this case, brother Chapman has written an exceptional expose with sources at the end. This is published by permission. Nothing has been altered.  Summary : As disclosed by Paul himself, he was born a Roman citizen (Acts 22:27-28); he was a kinsman of the Herodian family (Romans 16:11); he was closely connected with King Agrippa I and II's Aristobarus-clan (Romans 16:10); and his real name was Saul (Acts 7:58, 8:1-3). According to the Herodian family tree diagram prepared by Eisenman (2019:309), Saulus Herod the Great's great-nephew and King Agripps II's first cousin twice removed. Based on Paul's personal details and Saulus' genealogy, and considering Paul's debasement of the veganism of the Jerusalem Council, his attack