"He" is Risen!
"He" is Risen! ”He” is risen. But who? The supposed “God-man”? A god who somehow died and then resurrected from that death? What god can die? Not a powerful one, for certain. If a god died for you, what hope do you have? Not much. He’s dead like the other idols who are “alive” one moment and gone the next. You see, Yahweh never died. His son Yeshuah—a real man,[1] however,—did. And that son of the most high was resurrected. Its true that we have a human only messiah who has been chosen to he the means of the Father’s working of forgiveness.[2] See that you understand the words of John 17:3 if you hope for everlasting life. All your festivities this Easter weekend have meant nothing. No pagan festival in celebration of a god-man ever mattered to the true, living God and his son. __________ [1] Eight Reasons Jesus Isn't God [2] Can Men Forgive Sins?