
Showing posts from October, 2017

All Saint's Day

All Satan's Day This is the examination of what is known as "All Saint's Day," which should be more appropriately named, "All Satan's Day." This study is a sort of continuation of the historical development of Halloween, especially as it's popularly practiced in our Western society and, sadly, as believers. We won't spare any time and get right into it. The Encyclopedia Britannica states the following:[1] All Saints’ Day ,  also called  All Hallows’ Day,  Hallowmas,  or  Feast of All Saints , in the Christian  church , a day  commemorating  all the saints of the church, both known and unknown, celebrated on November 1 in the Western churches and on the first Sunday after  Pentecost  in the Eastern churches. Its origin cannot be traced with certainty, and it has been observed on various days in different places. A  feast  of all  martyrs  was kept on May 13 in the Eastern church according to  Ephraem Syrus  (died  c.  373), which may have det

Halloween's History

Halloween's History Introduction In this study, we're going to peer into the history of a beloved "holiday" around the world and critically examine some of it's most popular and "fun" traditions. Read this short paragraph on Halloween, found at the History Channel's website:[1] Evolving from the ancient Celtic holiday of Samhain, modern Halloween has become less about literal ghosts and ghouls and more about costumes and candy . The Celts used the day to mark the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter, and also believed that this transition between the seasons was a bridge to the world of the dead.  Over the millennia the holiday transitioned from a somber pagan ritual to a day of merriment, costumes, parades and sweet treats for children and adults. While the holiday has always been associated with "literal ghosts and ghouls," we'll learn that even seemingly "harmless" activities like "trick-or-tre

Until the Time of Reformation

Until the Time of Reformation Who made the following statements? (Answer in the footnotes) BAPTISM: “It works forgiveness of sins, rescues from death and the devil, and gives eternal salvation to all who believe this, as the words and promises of God declare.” LORD’S TABLE: “The benefit which we receive from such eating and drinking is shown us by these words: ‘Given and shed for you for the remission of sins,’ namely, that in the Sacrament forgiveness of sins, life and salvation are given us through these words. For where there is forgiveness of sins, there is also life and salvation.” Throughout this study, we are going look at a few things:  What the Reformation was Who Martin Luther was, what he said, and some of what he did What the real reformation is The Protestant Reformation What is the Protestant Reformation? The reformation was the attempt of many discontented, yet unconverted Catholic monks to reform the Roman Catholic Empire (I try not to call it a church). This occurred i