
In order for your piece to be accepted for publication on Anabaptist Apologist, we recommend you follow these guidelines (guidelines subject to change).

  • Submissions of 100-1,000 words are preferred. If the piece is longer, it may be edited into a "study series."
  • Unless other calls are made for submissions, the submissions are generally due on the first of every month (preferably) and will be edited and posted sometime thereafter, depending on copyediting needs. 
  • Any sources (author, titles, page numbers, Bible verses, etc.) that aren't cited in text need to be bracketed footnotes at the end of the article. See any post for examples of our preferred format, including bracket-footnote citation style.
  • Writers should send Word documents via email with a short biography including first and last name or appropriate pseudonym, picture (if you're comfortable), and contact information (email and or phone number will not be published); websites can be included for reference but may not necessarily be featured. Subject line should read "Submission."
  • Topics of interest include, but aren't limited to, Trinitarian/ Biblical Unitarian issues, end-times prophecy views, marriage/ family, church/ state issues, current events in light of Scripture, character studies, creationism/ evolution, homeschooling, church history, Anabaptism, the Ebionites, etc.
If in doubt, please inquire.

Send Submissions or inquiries to the following:


1. Anabaptist Apologist doesn't promise to remunerate writers. We operate under the principle taught by Jesus: freely you've received, freely give (Matt 10:8). This is purely voluntary work.

2. Anabaptist Apologist reserves the right to reject any submissions for any or no reason at all. Anabaptist Apologist reserves the right to publish submissions on other "sister sites" without express permission from the writer if the submission is a better fit elsewhere.

3. Anabaptist Apologist doesn't own the rights to any submitted work, per say. Unless otherwise indicated in the submitted posts, all blog posts are written and edited by the site operator, The Editor. This means that those who submit work retain all rights over their work and are free to publish their work elsewhere at anytime or request their pieces be removed from this website and/ or sister sites. However, Anabaptist Apologist will also maintain the right to keep and remove others' content at will for any or no reason at all. The editorial direction of the editor(s) of this site supersedes the request(s) of those who've voluntarily submitted, assuming that, based on submission, the guest-writer has read and agreed to all of these terms and conditions. (After all, this is my website.) 

4. Anabaptist Apologist may or may not publish views held by the editor of this website. It's the intent of The Editor to allow divergent views in the spirit of "Radical Reformation" and debate. However, there are going to be exceptions. See Disclaimer #2.

5. Anabaptist Apologist reserves the right to format the submitted document(s) in the format style preferred by the editor(s) of the site.